Case studies (downloadable)
Since the beginning of the 1990s, particularly large (multinational) enterprises
have been confronted with disciplining demands from Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs) to give concrete content to corporate responsibilities. In the confrontation
four main issue clusters have emerged: (1) health (food safety, GM, medicine);
(2) labour/human rights and conditions (such as forced labour, child labour);
(3) environment (waste dumping, global warming); (4) dictatorship and wars
(Burma/Myanmar, Nigeria, blood diamonds). Some cases show how issues can evolve
over time (for instance the treatment of dictatorship in Burma), other cases
show the evolving strategies of NGOs over time (e.g. Greenpeace and the Clean
Clothes Campaign). As for the multinationals that were the target of NGO campaigns,
the cases were selected to be as representative as possible. Shell is represented
two times in the basic case set, because of the enormous impact of the two
cases in 1995 and 1996 (Brent Spar and Nigeria) it was involved in. Figure
1 depicts the different actors and the dates of the eighteen confrontations
that were selected for further analysis in the book.
Figure 1 Cases of societal interface confrontation
Each case study discusses the
following aspects of the conflict: